When you are a student, you are raw, and when you are raw, you can fire with full power !!
Let's tap the youthfulness in a student's life in order to create an impact that can spread far and wide. Time to discuss all the benefits of starting up early, with Entrepreneurs who have achieved amazing feats in their lives.
Headstart invites all the aspiring entrepreneurs and students for the monthly dose of Entrepreneurship. This Startup Saturday on the theme - Student Entrepreneurship: The early rising in collaboration with EO Raipur chapter. (www.gsea.org)
All the attendees are entitled to receive free cloud credits from our Cloud Partner Digital Ocean
Venue - 36inc, 3rd floor, City Center Mall, Pandri.
24th November, 2018. 4 PM onwards.
Anand Singhania
MD, Avinash Group
MD, Avinash Group and Board Member EO Raipur
Pankaj Sarda
MD, Sarda Group
MD, Sarda Group and Chair, EO GSEA Raipur